Inspirational Jewelry Rings

When you or someone you love could use a little inspiration, these inspirational jewelry rings can be just the thing. They encourage people to never give up and keep on trying for the life of their dreams.

Simple words of encouragement are stamped onto these pieces of jewelry, like “choose joy” or “hope.” Other popular symbols and designs include the hamsa, Gordian knot, and happiness.

The hamsa is a symbol of protection from the evil eye. It has roots in both Jewish and Islamic traditions, though it’s also been adopted by other cultures and religions. The hand-shaped symbol is often found in jewelry and other decorative accessories.

The amulet consists of five spread fingers, often with an eye in the palm. The eye is a protection against the evil eye, but also represents divine guidance. It’s similar to the om symbol or the lotus flower, which have religious meanings but are used in other cultures and belief systems as well.

Maggie Wilson, spirituality expert and author of the forthcoming book Metaphysical AF from Union Square, tells mindbodygreen that the hamsa is also known as the Hand of Fatima and the Hand of Miriam (Moses’ sister). It’s a popular symbol among Muslims who believe in protecting themselves from the evil eye. It is a common element in Muslim-inspired decor and jewelry. The hamsa can be worn with the palm up or down depending on your intentions and needs.

Doves are a symbol of peace, love, and devotion. They’re also known as messengers, as they have the ability to carry messages for miles. They’re also incredibly loyal, and both the male and female dove share the responsibility of incubating eggs and raising their young.

In the Bible, doves are associated with both Jesus and his mother, Mary. In Greek mythology, the dove is a symbol of Aphrodite (or Venus). The dove has long been considered to be the spirit animal of romance and soul mates. Seeing a dove can be a sign that your romantic soul mate is looking for you, or that you’ll be connecting with them soon.

Doves are also known for their excellent sense of navigation, which makes them a great totem for anyone who feels lost or confused in life. The dove reminds us that we all have a sixth sense, and it’s just a matter of tapping into that intuition.
Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot ring is the symbol of love that cannot be untied. It is a sign of eternal devotion and a reminder to never give up. The ring can also be worn as a tribute to someone who is special in your life. The history of this piece goes back to ancient times. In the past, mystic symbols and talismans were used to inspire people to reach their goals. Whether they were engraved, stamped or crafted from precious stones – the meaning behind them was always heartfelt.

The story of the Gordian knot is a tale of a complicated and seemingly intractable problem. It is believed that an oracle declared that the next man to enter the city of Gordium with his ox cart would become king. The first person to do so was Gordius, a peasant farmer. Then, in honor of his newfound kingship, he tied his ox cart to a post with a very complex and intricately tied knot. No one could figure out how to untie the knot, so he simply cut it with his sword. The saying “cutting the Gordian knot” became a metaphor for solving an intractable problem by taking decisive action.

There are a lot of opinions about what happiness is and what it means to live a happy life. Some people see happiness as a feeling that comes and goes in bursts, while others believe that it’s the overarching goal of all human existence.

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines happiness as an emotion that includes feelings like joy, gladness, satisfaction, and well-being. However, some experts also use the term to describe a deeper sense of contentment and fulfillment.

While the APA’s definition of happiness focuses on pleasure and positive emotions, research has found that people around the world may define it differently. Some cultures focus more on internal harmony, while others prioritize personal relationships and new experiences as ways to achieve greater happiness.

JTV offers a variety of inspirational jewelry rings that include inscriptions like peace, spirit, soul, beauty, love, faith and hope. Wear one of these rings to remind yourself that happiness is within reach.

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