How to Learn Programming

Coding is the process of using programming languages to give instructions to a computer. These instructions power the websites and software we use every day.

The first step is to decide why you want to learn programming. This will help you determine which language to learn and what sort of projects to build.
1. Identify Your Goals

Learning programming is a journey, and it’s important to set goals along the way. These goals should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

For example, if your goal is to learn the syntax of a programming language, make sure you define it clearly. Learning just the syntax is not enough – you need to know how to create readable code.

If you want to level up your skills and become a better programmer, consider a course or bootcamp. These are a great way to acquire new skills and boost your professional profile. However, they’re not cheap and should be carefully considered. Set a budget and plan ahead. Alternatively, you can try to build a simple app. It will broaden your coding skillset and improve your knowledge of various technologies.
2. Choose a Language

There are many factors to consider when choosing a programming language. This includes the type of application that needs to be developed. For example, if an application is heavy in number crunching then it would make sense to use a programming language that has good libraries for handling large data sets.

If an application will be deployed on various platforms, then it is important to choose a language that supports the platform. For example, a mobile application should be developed in an Android-supported programming language such as Java or Kotlin. A web application can be developed using languages such as PHP or JavaScript.

Regardless of the language chosen, it is important to remember that the most important aspect of learning to code is understanding and applying fundamental concepts and principles of computer science. Once these are understood, then the choice of programming language becomes much less important.
3. Find a Mentor

A mentor is the best person to help you find your way in coding. They will look at your code and offer suggestions on how to improve it. They will also be able to answer any questions you might have.

Finding a programming mentor isn’t easy, especially for beginners. Most software engineers are not willing to spend their time teaching someone new to program for free. This is because they know how much time it takes to become a proficient programmer.

But, it is possible to find a programming mentor by searching online or joining coding communities. You can even ask people you already know to be your mentor. However, you should be prepared to offer something in return for their time. This could be anything from offering to pay them for their time or letting them use your computer when they’re working on a project.
4. Set a Schedule

If you want to succeed at learning programming, it helps to have a schedule. Coding requires a lot of time at the computer, and you will need to manage your productivity well so that you don’t burn out. Make sure to take breaks and include other activities in your schedule that help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent burnout.

You may also want to set aside some time for reading and exercising. Having the right equipment is also important. You will need a good text editor, like Notepad++ or Sublime Text. You will also want a laptop or desktop with a high resolution screen and sufficient computing power to run your programming environment. This will make it easier to read and debug code.
5. Learn by Doing

There are plenty of resources for learning to code online. Many sites offer free courses to get a feel for coding, while paid options provide structure and guidance to keep learners on track. If you prefer a more traditional approach, books are a solid option for beginners. There are established texts for each of the recommended beginner languages, and a few popular editors to help you get started like Notepad++ or VS Code.

Once you have the basics down, try working on some projects to put your skills into practice. It’s gratifying to see your own project come to life, and it also helps you stay motivated as you continue to learn. It can also be helpful to find a community and mentor to support you.

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